Art Faith

“Say: Travel through the Earth and deeply observe how God did originate the creation; then God produces the next creation; surely God has power over all things” (Qur’an 29:19-20)

Welcome and May the peace and blessings of God be upon you.

Source: IzlamicArt

“To dream is to live, so dream hard and dream big. Never let anyone tell you that you are not made to achieve greatness”

– Izlamic Art

What do you do in your job?

“I am an artist and a designer and manage the entire designs team.”

Why did you name it “Izlamic Art”?

“I always dreamed of doing something big that people will remember me for years to come in this Dunya (world) and the Dunya hereafter. Since I was a child I always wanted to be unique so is the name behind choosing Izlamic Art. When I was brainstorming the name I wanted the name to be simple and memorable to the Muslims. I could hardly find any other name that associates both my passion for art and my love for Islam. I believe that Islam is all about peace, tranquility, and mercy. As Muslims, we are obligated to model those traits in our lives and to always work for the good of our society and culture. I dream that one day my work of Islamic art to be displayed in every Muslim household, I know without resources it’s hardly possible but I am working hard on it without losing hope. Allah knows my intentions and one day my hard work will pay off, inshAllah. People around me had opinions that I am choosing a name that will restrict me from reaching out to a broader audience. Some even objected and have issues that I am choosing a name with Islam as “Izlam”, but my only answer to them is that Allah has not sent Quran in English so why we are being so rigid? We need to focus on positive rather than being negative. I never let the wear and tear of the years clip my wings, bog me down. To me Life is short, and dreams are unlimited and to accomplish those dreams we have to work hard.” 

What do you love about your job?

“Design is my passion and I love that I can pursue something I love.”

But if ye do good and practice self-restraint, Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.” (Qur’an 4:128)

What do like least about your job?

“Sometimes it feels like countless hours of my work goes unnoticed and I find no time for my family. But I have full faith in God and that God has a plan for us and that one day all this hard work will pay off. InshaAllah.” 

Source: IzlamicArt

Did faith have any role in choosing your career?

“Yes, It did. I have a story behind it. I feel blessed to be married to a wonderful man who converted to Islam. There was a time where I felt terrible that he might have to undergo a lot after he decides to convert. Marrying a Muslim is considered a red flag by so many amongst us and in society today, people will find any reason to give us, Muslims, a hard time. Sometimes life can be hard with so much injustice, discrimination, and evil in society. Many families were affected by COVID-19 in many ways, including mine. I had become a victim of this virus and while taking care of me, my husband faced unemployment due to my sickness. My husband lost his dream job at no fault of his own. Instead of getting disheartened, I was motivated to do more for my family. This struggle taught me a valuable life lesson. It taught me to appreciate the little that we have in life and to never be afraid to dream big. It made me self-motivated, vulnerable to taking risks, and most importantly, it taught me to never allow failure to consume me and define my limits. This experience has infinitely connected me more to my God.“

Do you see any relationship between faith and your career?

“My faith is an integral part of who I am and it adds an exciting dimension to my personality. My family after marriage differs in cultural and religious beliefs but Alhamdulillah everyone has been very welcoming. All we need is to stand up for what we believe in. We can make a positive difference in this society by respecting one another irrespective of their religion, race, or national origin.”

Are there parts of your job that make you a better Muslim?

“My purpose in life is to see the beauty in all things and each other. I have decided that my goal in life shall be to help people in need and I am ready to put myself out there for the needy and anyone that is put into a vulnerable position.”

Who is better in speech than one who call (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, ‘I am of those who bow in Islam.’” (Qur’an 41:33)

Is there any part of your job that you think doesn’t fit with Islam or makes it difficult to practice your faith?

“I think it does, the thought that I’m a Muslim, and because of my skin color, name, or mode of dress, people might treat and see me as different. I don’t wear a headscarf because I am too scared of being at risk of standing out or of getting discriminatory remarks.”

Is there anything about your job that makes you spiritual?

My work is all about my inner self and my beliefs. My art reflects the beautiful, inspiring verses of the Quran. We, as most Muslims, obviously turn to the Quran for guidance when experiencing hardships and for inspiration. My art specifically focuses on Quranic verses, duas, and verses that are all about remembrance of Allah and also a way to be making constant dua and dhikr.

What do you want people, especially Muslims, to know about your career?

“I have been through a lot in my life but never lost hope. I believe that all dreams can come true. To dream is to live, so dream hard and dream big. Never let anyone tell you that you are not made to achieve greatness. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Just have faith in your Lord and HE will look after us!! Ameen, InshAllah.” 

Source: IzlamicArt

Do what is beautiful. Allah loves those who do what is beautiful.” (Quran 2:195)

We pass through this world but once. Few tragedies can be more extensive than the stunting of life, few injustices deeper than the denial of an opportunity to strive or even to hope, by a limit imposed from without, but falsely identified as lying within.” Stephen Jay Gould

For More Information:

More on IzlamicArt

For more information, please reach out to Izlamic Art at:

Nagamia Institute of Islamic Medicine and Science:

1001 Inventions: the Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization:

Tagged: humanMuslimartbeautyfaithspirituality

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